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Müang Sing

Müang Sing   sight seeing 1996 + 1998

11.-16. Rampart, Moat, Northern Corner,
   Town Gate, Nam Sing

original document:
NOV 2000
AUG 2019

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Start HGT  →  Forschung / Veröffentlichungen  →  Müang Sing  →  town map  →  rampart, moat ...
Müang Sing  rampart

the rampart [11]
In the old plan of Müang Sing (1890) it is mentioned that the rampart was made of earth with a height of 6 Sok (about 3 m). Today the height differs between 1.2 m and 1.5 m. The width of the basis is about 5 m.

Müang Sing  moat

Some weeks after the rainy season The moat [12] outside the wall was still partly filled with water.

Müang Sing  mosquitos

It is one of the breeding grounds for mosquitos. Müang Sing and its vicinity are centres of malaria.


Müang Sing  rampart view to the North

View from inside to the northern corner of the old rampart [14]
The picture gives a good impression of the spacious area of the town. The wall is thickly covered with vegetation (remember the → satellite image!).

Müang Sing  Nam Sing

The river Nam Sing [16] touches the eastern corner of the town wall. Apparently this is not the original course of the river. The exact square shape of the town must have been so important, that the the town builders had to reroute the course of the river.

Müang Sing  town gate

All passages through the old rampart [15] are still existing. The streets in the town had ditches on both sides.

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