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Logo Müang Sing
Müang Sing

Müang Sing   sight seeing 1996 + 1998

7. Wat Chiang Yün

(destroyed 04.APR.1962)

original document:
NOV 2000
AUG 2019

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Startseite  →  Forschung / Veröffentlichungen  →  Müang Sing  →  town map  →  Müang Sing: Wat Chiang Yün

Wat Chiang Yün is totally destroyed.

Müang Sing  Wat Chiang Yuen  children

In Müang Sing there are not only walls, streets and temples, but - to be sure - inhabitants too. During the day you will not find many of them, because they are working in the fields, ...

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Harvest of Rice

Müang Sing  harvest of rice
Müang Sing  harvest of rice

The whole family is helping. In Müang Sing the rice is still threshed by hand.

Müang Sing  harvest of rice
Müang Sing  harvest of rice
Müang Sing  harvest of rice

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